Navigating A New Season with Confidence and Purpose
Feb 12, 2024
Preseason, and a NEW season, can be a rollercoaster of emotions.
Every day, every practice, every drill feels like a battle where your livelihood's on the line. The uncertainty can be downright unnerving.
Behind the smiles plastered on social media lies a battlefield where you're there to prove yourself and secure your spot.
In the chaos, how and what you think, what you tell yourself, is everything.
If I could journey back to my college and pro preseason days, this is what I’d tell myself.
- Be PRESENT + Focus on the PROCESS: Don't overanalyze your chances or jump to conclusions. You'll never fully know where you stand, and constant evaluation is wasted energy. Instead, stay focused on the present moment and remain grateful for the chance to compete. Anything can happen in football, so be ready when your moment arrives.
- Compete in Everything: Don't slack off for a second. Every run, every gym session, every conversation—engage, lock in, and focus on making an impact. Set the tone in everything you do. Show them how bad you want it. This will ruffle some feathers, but don’t let it faze you in the least. Ruffle away.
- Soak it ALL Up: You'll miss the grind and the journey most. You’ll long for another chance to engage in the locker room banter, the friendly keep-aways before practice, the shared meals, and most of all, the relationships. Cherish these moments—they are the true treasure.
Regardless of what happens, find success in emptying your tank.
Many factors determine rosters. If it's not meant to be, there’s something better in store. This’ll shape you into a stronger, more resilient human.
Keep working and keep growing!
Soccer Resilience® Founder
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