The Secret to Tom Brady's Success (It's Not What You Think it is)
Apr 01, 2024
After a tough sophomore year at Michigan, Tom Brady, frustrated with only receiving 2 practice reps, considered transferring.
His coach's response?
A life-changing reality check:
"Stop worrying about everyone else. Focus on being the best you can be with what you have."
That's it. Not promises, not more reps, but a powerful shift in mindset.
Thank God for good coaches!
Coach also recommended that Brady start meeting with Greg Harden, a sports psychologist who worked in Michigan's athletic department.
Dejected, Brady met with Greg. “They’re only giving me 2 reps!” said Brady.
Harden offered a simple yet profound challenge: “Just focus on doing the best you can with those 2 reps. Make them as perfect as you possibly can.”
“So that's what I did,” Brady said. “They'd put me in for those 2 reps, man, I'd sprint out there like it was Super Bowl 39. 'Let's go boys! Here we go! What play we got?'”
“And I started to do really well with those 2 reps. Because I brought enthusiasm, I brought energy.”
And it worked. The rest, as they say, is history!
Brady's mindset's a recipe for success. There’s magic in focusing on the process and what you can control.
Even after being drafted by the New England Patriots when asked about competition, he stated, "I only worry about what I can control. Focusing on others weakens my game."
REMEMBER THIS: regardless of where you stand or what others are doing, laser focus on being the best version of yourself.
Tom Brady never strived to be the "best of all time." He simply aimed to be the best he could be. Every single day. And that's the key.
Let's ditch the habit of comparing ourselves to others and concentrate on maximizing every rep, aiming to become the best version of ourselves.
“I never once in my life ever said I wanted to be the best of all time. Ever. I wanted to be the best I could be, period. I learned that in college. It didn’t matter what the other guys were doing. It mattered what I was doing.” — Tom Brady
Go be the best YOU, you can be!
Soccer Resilience®
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